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When a child is enrolled you will receive an email or text with the subject: [Action Required] [School Name] has invited you to their brightwheel community. The easiest way to complete the sign-up process is to click the "Connect to STUDENT NAME" button directly from the message, simply enter a password, and click Create Account.


If the message cannot be located, a new account can be created manually. Here's how:

  1. Navigate to the brightwheel signup page

  2. Click the Parent option

  3. Complete the signup form and click Get Started

  4. Click Create your Account

  5. A verification code will be delivered to the contact used, with the subject line: brightwheel verification code: XXXXXX

  6. Enter the confirmation code and click Confirm​


A Children's Place Family Handbook

About our Payment Schedule

  • Payment is required weekly and is due the Friday prior to the week of care given.  Accounts more than 3 weeks past due are subject to a $10 per week late fee and services may be suspended until balance is paid in full.  In the event that a delinquent account is turned into a collection agency, parents will be responsible for all additional fees.




Pencil and notepad

Call Us: 716-487-2238  /   /  509 Prendergast Avenue Jamestown, NY 14701

A Children's Place does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its policies, admission policies, and scholarship programs

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